Sinfully Star-Crossed Read online

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  Grant snickered and nodded, but before they could get there, Jason accosted him.

  “There he is! My missing roommate! Where have you been? I have people for you to meet. Come on!” Jason wrapped his arm around Emerson’s shoulder and pulled him away from Grant.

  “Wait!” Emerson struggled to say over the music.

  Grant waved him away, smiling. Emerson mouthed “one minute” to him and let himself be led away.

  “Let me introduce a friend of mine. Angelica, this is Emerson. Emerson, Angelica.” Jason clapped him on the shoulder.

  “Nice to meet you. Jason has spoken about you.” He remembered Jason telling him about Angelica being an actress. The woman in front of him was stick-thin with loads of makeup, long straight chestnut brown hair and obvious breast enhancements.

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “I thought you two might hit it off, and maybe one day, we can double date.”

  Emerson choked on the sip of drink he’d just taken. He coughed, and Jason laughed. When he got his breath back, he stated, “You do realise I’m gay, don’t you, Jason?”

  Jason blinked back at him, a frown on his face. “What?”

  Emerson bit his lip to stop his own laughter. “I’m gay.”

  “Shit. How come I never knew that?”

  “I’ve always been gay. Plus, I don’t think my boyfriend would approve of me being with someone who wasn’t him.” Emerson chuckled. “Sorry, Angelica. It was nice to meet you, though.” He wandered away to find Grant. This should make him laugh if nothing else. He circled the room a few times before heading down the hallway to check in his room. On Emerson’s way back to the main room, he checked all the other rooms when he couldn’t find Grant.

  He retrieved his phone and texted Grant. The apartment was big enough that they could miss each other for days.

  Where are you? Have a funny joke to tell you.

  He waited a few minutes but got no answer.

  You okay? I can’t find you at the party!

  Emerson waited again, but there was still no reply. He started to get worried. Where the hell was Grant? Dialling his number, he waited for it to answer, but it went to voicemail. He surveyed the room, trying to figure out where Grant could be, when Emerson’s phone buzzed.

  I’m fine. I’m on my way home. See you soon.

  What the hell? Why had Grant left without telling him? Had something happened? Emerson kept trying to ring him as he gathered his stuff and left the party, but it never went through. Emerson needed to see him. If something happened to Grant at the party, Emerson would never forgive himself.

  Chapter 13


  When Emerson left with his roommate, he didn’t know what to do with himself. He stood in the same place for a while, sipping his drink. Glancing around at the extravagance, he had never seen anything like it before. Emerson wasn’t rich, but to be living like this had to have lifted his expectations some. Grant could admit it to himself; he was overwhelmed. How could he compete with this? Every person in the room had more money in their wallet than Grant had in his bank account. How did Emerson put up with staying at Grant’s house?

  Grant hated where his thoughts were taking him, but he couldn’t help it. What was Emerson doing with someone like him? He placed his drink on the bar behind him and glanced around. He didn’t belong here. He never would.

  Grant strode to the door and let himself out. He wouldn’t bother Emerson anymore. Emerson could find someone worthy of him, someone with more money and less drama.

  He exited the apartment building and proceeded to the subway. While he waited for the train, his phone buzzed.

  Where are you? Have a funny joke to tell you.

  He wouldn’t answer because there was no point. A few minutes later, his phone buzzed again.

  You alright? I can’t find you at the party!

  The phone rang, but he sent it to voicemail. He couldn’t speak to Emerson right now. He sent a text, hoping to derail any more messages or calls.

  I’m fine. I’m on my way home. See you soon.

  He didn’t want to make any promises, and the “see you soon” was a generic answer. He pocketed his phone after turning it to silent and found a seat. Itching to check his phone and see if Emerson had replied, he thought about the following day. New Year’s Day. He didn’t usually make any resolutions, but maybe this once, it was something he should consider.

  What did he wish could happen the following year? A full-time job as a librarian was a no-brainer. What else? Nothing else came to mind. There wasn’t a single thing he could wish for, except for what he had already lost in Emerson.

  Leaving the train, he trudged the rest of the way home. He would always be welcome there, no doubt about it, but his brain sometimes asked whether he should move on. He didn’t want to head back home, but with nothing keeping him there, he supposed he could find someplace else.

  Grant let himself into the guest house and locked the door behind him. He surveyed the room, realising Emerson had several things here, which he would no doubt want back at some point. Maybe he could get Emmaline to hold them for him. He dropped down onto the sofa and rested his head against the back, staring at the ceiling.

  He had no idea how long he sat there debating what to do with his life, but a knock at the door gained his attention.

  Opening the door, he was surprised to find Emerson standing there.

  “Did someone hurt you? Are you okay? Why’d you leave?” Emerson asked, immediately.

  Grant sighed and opened the door wider. He may as well let Emerson grab his stuff now he was there. “I didn’t belong there,” was all Grant said.

  Emerson smiled. “Neither did I, Grant. I was only there to make sure I showed my face. I didn’t want Jason saying I was never there because they could kick me out. I don’t belong there any more than you do. You are more than they are. Jason is as artificial as a Christmas tree, and his friends are as bad.” He paced to the sofa and threw himself next to Grant. “Why didn’t you tell me you wanted to leave?”

  Grant hesitated, unsure whether he could voice out loud what his inner monologue was saying. “You deserve better than me. Jason can introduce you to people who can give you a better life.”

  “How do you know? What if I believe that what I have is the best life for me? Shouldn’t I make the decision?” Emerson countered.

  “Is it?”

  “Is what?” Emerson asked.

  “Is what you have the best life for you?” Grant whispered, perplexed by what it seemed Emerson was trying to say.

  Emerson shifted on the sofa, cupping Grant’s cheeks. “Grant, you are the best thing to happen to me, ever. Even after Daniel coming into my life and helping me get where I am today. You are amazing. You’re kind, loyal, understanding, sympathetic and many other things on a huge long list. The bottom line is you are my everything. It may seem like I’m rushing as it’s only been…what… six weeks, but you mean so much to me. If you’ll have me, I’m not going anywhere.”

  Grant sniffed back his tears as best he could. “I love you so much. I’m sorry I left. I thought I was doing the best thing for you. I didn’t want to hold you back—”

  Emerson’s kiss stopped his words and breathing became non-essential. Their tongues duelled, sinking into each other’s mouths as their hands and arms wrapped around their bodies. When they pulled away, Emerson said, “Let’s go watch the fireworks.”

  Grant nodded, and they rose to get on their coats, hats, scarves and gloves. Grant grabbed a blanket from the back of the sofa, and Emerson held open the door. When they got to the edge of the pool, they pulled two pool chairs together and sat, pulling the blanket over them both. Emerson wrapped his arm around Grant’s shoulders, and they waited. According to Grant’s watch, they only had to wait around fifteen minutes until the New Year began.

  Grant heard a door open. Maybe Emmaline and Theo were watching for fireworks too.

  “Hey, boys. Thought you might like
some hot chocolate to keep you warm. And an extra blanket.” Emmaline rounded the chairs with Theo in tow. Theo draped the blanket over them, and Emmaline handed them the drinks. “Enjoy your New Year.”

  “You too, Emmaline, Theo. Thanks for everything.”

  Emmaline reached down and kissed Grant on the cheek, reaching over to do the same for Emerson. “You two are perfect for each other.” She smiled. “Don’t let anything get between you, alright?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Emerson replied.

  “Happy New Year,” Theo said as they walked away.

  “Happy New Year,” they both echoed.

  Grant had almost finished his hot chocolate when the fireworks launched. He glanced at his watch, realising it was midnight. Turning to Emerson, he smiled. “Happy New Year, Em.”

  Emerson returned his smile. “You too, sweetheart.”

  They sat and watched the fireworks until they could see no more and shuffled inside to warm up in the shower before climbing into bed. They wrapped themselves around each other and slept the rest of the night away.

  Six Months Later


  Grant was nervous although he had no reason to be. Everybody who cared about him was there and, if there were those who he wished had come, he wouldn’t change anything for the world. Graduation day was hopefully the start of his new life.

  “How are you doing?” Emerson asked, wrapping his arms around him from behind and kissing below his ear.

  Grant grinned as he tilted his head for more. “I’m nervous. I hate standing up in front of loads of people, even if it is only for a few seconds.”

  “Yeah, but don’t do a mad dash to the other side of the stage. I don’t want any accidents.” Emerson snorted.

  “Damn. I’ll put a halt to the acrobatics I had planned then.” Grant twisted around, linking his hands behind Emerson’s neck. “How are you?”

  Emerson gave a small smile. “I’m good. I can’t see Father here, which is a good thing in some ways. I don’t want him to ruin today.”

  “Nothing could ruin today.” Grant leaned in for a kiss, and their mortarboards clashed, nearly knocking them off their heads. Both grabbed for them, laughing, but managed a small kiss before pulling back. They both wore their graduation gowns with shirts and trousers underneath for when they had finished.

  “Grant! Emerson!”

  Grant saw Adam waving to them. They strolled over, seeing the group of people who had come to watch both him and Emerson graduate. Adam was there with Emmaline and Theo, who wore the smiles of proud parents, even though they weren’t related. Lola was there, taking one of her many vacation days to be with them. Daniel had come to visit, too; Grant had been able to meet him beforehand when Emmaline had offered Daniel their spare room for the duration of his visit. Some of Emerson’s work colleagues had also shown their faces.

  “Well, well, look at you two.”

  Grant and Emerson wheeled around. “Hello, Sister Mary Agnes. What are you doing here?”

  “I had to see my boys graduate, didn’t I?”

  Grant leaned forward and embraced her tiny body. “Thank you. For everything,” he said with feeling. He recognised how much she had to do with what happened between him and Emerson. It would’ve happened later he was sure, but she pushed for them to stop being scared and had given them more time with each other. Emerson kissed her cheek.

  “Just remember one thing. You are stronger together than you are alone. Individually, you are strong. Together, you are a force to be reckoned with.” She tapped her forehead, the movement telling them to remember and stalked away as the noise sounded for the graduates to get themselves seated. They gave a quick goodbye to everyone and moved to their seats, separated from each other for a short time.

  The Dean gave an empowering speech about trusting their hearts and trusting their newfound knowledge. Then, each graduate was called by name, and they strode to podium to receive their scroll before exiting to clapping and cheering. Grant was called up first and breathing deeply, marched with purpose across the stage. He smiled at the Dean, accepted the scroll, and headed to the other side to exit, hearing his name called and whistling. He returned to his seat and waited for Emerson’s turn.

  Emerson followed the same path as Grant had, before exiting the stage to Grant screaming his name and clapping so hard, his hands hurt. He was extremely proud of what Emerson had accomplished. Emerson had already secured and started a job. With it, Emerson fought for recognition for the shelter as a place where more children could be helped. The company who hired him had agreed. Emerson was now officially working with the shelter and was able to provide many more resources than he had when he was simply volunteering.

  Grant had learned through Clarissa that a librarian position had become available, and she had recommended him for it. He had no idea whether he was in the running for it, and he waited to hear from them. There were plenty more libraries around if he was unlucky. He was content to wait.

  A lot had happened in the last six months, not least of which was Emerson moving into the guest house a month ago. It happened quite quickly, but they were both happy with the decision. Emmaline and Theo were more than content when Grant had asked their permission to invite Emerson to live there.

  Once the ceremony was over, they all went to dinner at a nearby restaurant Theo had booked for them as a surprise gift. It was still slightly overwhelming how different Grant’s life was now to when he’d been back home.

  In the restaurant, he leaned his head on Emerson’s shoulder, holding his hand and surveyed the room, gazing at the people who supported and loved them, regardless of who they were, and he couldn’t ask for more.

  The End

  About the Author

  Reading and writing have always been a part of my life, although my debut book wasn't published until July 2019, when I was 36 years old. My experience has come from reading thousands of books over the years and being a perfectionist when it comes to trying to make things right. I want my books to be emotionally realistic, even if I do take liberties with other aspects of my stories. I have two children who are my life, keep me (in)sane and make me laugh. I love Zumba, yoga and walking.

  Stalk me here… ;-)


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  Books by Elouise East

  Crush series (MM)

  First Kiss – Book 1 – Charlie & Josh

  (Available from:

  Instant Desire – Book 2 – Sean & Asher

  (Available from:

  Primary Seduction – Book 3 – Max & Trent

  (Available from:

  Deep Down – Book 4 – Craig & Alex

  (Available from:

  Dark & Divergent series (MM)

  A Biker Make Three – Rylan, Connor & Jack (MMM story)

  (Available from:

  Forbidden Temptation – Dexter & Cameron

  (Available now)

  Charmed series (MM)

  Sweet Truths – Theo & Jasper

  (Available by chapter in my monthly newsletter)

  Treehouse Whispers – Benji & Jamie

  (Available now)

  Carnal Roomies – Adam & Johnson

  (Part of an Anthology – Coming April 2020)

  Sinfully Star-Crossed – Grant & Emerson

  (This book)

oted series (MF)

  Trusting Kade – Book 1 – Analise & Kade

  (Available from: